News Summaries from Last Week - April 25th

YSK Chairman Yener: The total number of voters is 64 million 113 thousand 941

YSK Chairman Ahmet Yener said that 60 million 843 people will cast their votes in the 14 May Presidential elections. Yener also announced that the number of voters abroad is 3 million 416 people.


YSK: There is no need for ministers who are candidates for parliament to resign

A decision was made regarding the application made to the Supreme Election Board (YSK) to not accept the candidacy of the ministers who are candidates for parliamentary seats from the opposition parties if they do not resign. After examining the application, the YSK rejected the opposition's objection. In the decision, it was emphasized that the ministers could not be considered as public servants due to the different appointment procedures and the fact that they took an oath in the Parliament.


Year-end exchange rate expectations rise

In the CBRT's market participants survey, the year-end expectation for USD/TL rose from 22.91 in March to 23.15 in April.


Erdogan: We will not charge natural gas fees from residences for 1 month

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan spoke at the Black Sea natural gas commissioning ceremony in Zonguldak.
“We give the natural gas that our citizens use in their homes free of charge for 1 year. The cost of the natural gas required for the kitchen and hot water consumption, which is equivalent to an average of 25 cubic meters per month, will be deducted from the bills for 1 year. It also means that many households will hardly pay any natural gas bills, given that it is summer ahead of us.”


Armed attack on AK Party Çukurova district building

The suspect who attacked the AK Party Çukurova District Presidency with a gun was arrested.


Ozer, founder of Thodex, was brought to Turkey

Faruk Fatih Özer, the founder of the crypto exchange Thodex, was brought to Turkey from Albania.


Tickets for the UEFA Champions League final to be held in Istanbul are on sale

Ticket prices for the 2023 UEFA Champions League final match were determined as 690 euros in the 1st category, 490 euros in the 2nd category, 180 euros in the 3rd category, and 70 euros in the 4th category. Disabled tickets will be available for 70 euros and will include a free companion ticket.