Summary of Last Week

Due to coronavirus scope of the measures, Turkey announced complete lock-down from April 29th Thursday evening at 19.00 until May 17th Monday morning at 05:00. President Erdogan announced the decision. During this period, all intercity travels will be subject to permission ... Like the way it was before, intercity public transport vehicles will be able to carry half of their capacity. There will be no face-to-face education in kindergarten, pre-school and all schools. All in person exams were also canceled.
All workplaces will be suspended, except for organizations that are exempted in areas such as production, manufacturing and cleaning.
Package service will continue in the food and beverage sector.

The first official contact between US President Joe Biden and president Erdogan took place on the evening of April 23rd by a phone call. The following statements were included in the very short wording of two sentences regarding the meeting from the White House;
"Today, The President Joe Biden met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, he conveyed that the areas of cooperation has been increased, disagreements were managed effectively and his interest in constructive bilateral relations. Erdogan and Biden agreed to hold bilateral talks at the NATO Summit in June to address bilateral and regional issues. "
In his statement on April 24, Biden became the first US president to use the expression genocide while in office and officially recognized the "Armenian genocide".While Turkey voiced their reactions on this development, It is not yet clear how they will respond ...

External Relations with the European Parliament's report on Turkey was adopted in very heavy identify and accuse the Committee was urged to cut by suspending the full membership negotiations with the European Commission to Turkey.

While the European Parliament's report on Turkey which included strong determinations and accusations was being accepted by the External Relations Committee, the call was made to suspending negotiations to conclude full membership with the European Union for Turkey. 
The Turkey Progress Report prepared by EP Turkish rapporteur and the Spanish congressman Naco Sanchez,
EP Foreign Affairs Committee issued a large number of amendment proposals and critiques and accusations after the inclusion of the more severe expression in Turkey had been accepted 4 against 49.
In the coming days the report that will be voted in the general assembly of AP suggested to the EU Commission and EU leaders immediately to suspend negotiations about the membership of Turkey and stop financial support.

Following the European Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) accepted a very hard resolution about Turkey.
Accepted decision included, Turkey was reminded of the obligations originating from Turkey’s Council of Europe membership, and they were notified that, if necessary, steps are not taken they will be suspended from membership of the Council of Europe!
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, consisting of congressman elected from the assemblies of the member states of the Council of Europe. Last week as an 'emergency agenda item' as the developments in Turkey, by addressing the situation in the judiciary, the law, the political process, the report titled as "Functioning of Democratic Institutions in Turkey" and the additional resolution was accepted 16 against 89
PACE rapporteurs on Turkey, in the report and decision text prepared by Swedish congressman Thomas Hammarberg, and British congressman John Howell, worsening situation in extraordinary increase in the number of congressman immunity cases in Turkey, the decision to withdraw from Istanbul agreement, parliamentary immunity, the independence of the judiciary and freedom of expression were included in the agenda/
In the accepted the report and the text of the decision, Turkey’s responsibilities arising from membership of the Council of Europe, commitments and obligations are once again reminded and based on the progress made by Turkey the council membership may be frozen by suspending. 

The biggest defense cooperation agreement was signed between Israel and Greece. In the Middle East region, the Gulf countries, Israel and Egypt, accelerating the steps to develop and expand relations with Greece and Israel announced that they signed a 22-year military agreement, and the initial monetary amount was 1.6 billion dollars.
In the Eastern Mediterranean everyday a new deal is signed in the alliance against Turkey. 
Leading initiatives such as the Eastern Mediterranean Energy Union (EASTMED) and the Eastern Mediterranean Friendship Forum, Greece is establishing new relations and signing agreements with Israel and Egypt, as well as the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Jordan and even Iraq. To be against Turkey-Pakistan rapprochement, Greece gave impetus to cooperation with India.

Saudi Arabia signed a Patriot agreement with Greece.
One of Greece's patriot batteries will be located in areas where Saudi Arabia's critical and strategic oil fields are located. The placing of the Patriots sold to Greece by the United States who is trying to slow the process of Patriot sales to Turkey, placed sanctions due to the S-400,  in Saudi Arabia is considered as part of GREECE-SAUDI-US defense cooperation. 

Almost half of 40 companies are `’illegal` operations and payment systems blow up with Thodex crypto market company theft scandal 


The founder and CEO of Thodex, Faruk Fatih Özer, whose 391 thousand active investors and 700 thousand in total, emptied the accounts of all of them totaling around 2 billion dollars of crypto assets and fled abroad with a 'cold wallet'. A red notice was issued about Mr. Özer. While the activities of 2 cryptocurrency companies were stopped, many people were detained as part of the investigation. The government is heavily criticized for being late.

Russia's decision to restrict travel has severely damaged the tourism industry as well as the suitcase trade with a monetary volume of $ 5-7 billion and international transportation via Russia. The flights, which were reduced to 2 times a week, while this brought the suitcase trade to a virtual halt, the truck queues at the Russian border approached 100 kilometers. The Russian customs slowing down the transactions of Turkish trucks is not considered as a hidden sanction.