Hi everyone,
Now that all teams involved in Euro 2021 have already played one match, a quick analysis can be done. Firstly and sadly, Turkish national team has failed to produce the same seducing football as the one displayed during the qualifications round. That's amazing how badly they could play in their opening match. Unable to make three passes in a row, to win any one to one, not to talk about their lack of imagination. I also beleive our players are not in the same physical condition as their opponents. Is this a training issue? Most probably...i am watching some videos of my native country, France, during their training sessions, and i can see how hard they are working their physical condition!
The second match yesterday of Turkey was much better, with some goal opportunities but it has produced the same outcome, a defeat that will send Senol Gunes team back home unless a very unlikely miracle in their last match vs Switzerland combined with some luck to end within the best four out of six of the third ranked teams. To the opposite, Italia has produced for me so far the most attractive football. They have a fabuluous generation of young players helped by experienced defenders. Their football is a pleasure to watch, so far away from the old squaddra azzura generations which were known for their defending tactics. After Italia, France has also confirmed its favorite statu for the title, with Pogba and Varane really excellent versus Germany.
Portugal finally is for me the third country to have displayed the best quality of football, though the opposition of Hungary was not the best one to assess their reel value. We will know much more about the strenghts and weaknesses of each teams at the end of the group stages but for sure, Italia, France and Portugal will be tough to be beaten. But the best thing of this Euro so far was to see tribunes with spectators, dancing, drinking, shouting. Such a joy after sixteen months of empty stadiums. There will be a lot of fun, good games in this Euro 2021, stay connected and enjoy every games.
See you soon...

Okunma Süresi: 2 dk
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